healer. doctor. author

Embrace the Pause …

Embrace the Pause…

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a new, invisible, unknown disease. We are in unchartered waters.  We do not know how more extensive it is going to be, and we do not know how concerned to be.  

But throughout history, challenging times have birthed times of progress, innovation and a stronger sense of community.

As we find ourselves amidst a time of uncertainty and collective trial on many levels.  We can spiral down with fear or focus our perspective on how this could offer a possibility for growth and forward movement.

Here are 7 Things to Remember When Life Gets Tough. They will hope to find the necessary strength, courage and confidence to move forward and manifest the things deep down inside you know you should be doing.

1. Take Charge of Your Health. This is a time to take care of our health.

     Eat well, exercise, be aware of unhealthy habits.  Start that Diet! With the looming health fears, one of our strongest defenses is to have strong physical well-being!  Now is the time to take charge of your health!

    2. Embrace the Pause. We are being asked to PAUSE… life is creating a gap for us.  When we slow down we can begin to evaluate where we are, who we are and how it is we want to move forward.  Re-examine your goals for 2020 and beyond.  Are you aligning your actions to fulfill your goals?  Use this time productively!

    3. The Energy of Cleansing. This has become a period of extreme cleansing.  As we venture into spring, it’s an ideal time to clean out the clutter in our homes, our closets… get rid of things we no longer use, donate, wipe down.  Let it go. A clean and clear environment supports a clean and clear mind.  Energetically, start to exhale.

    4. Do Meditation. Maintain or jumpstart your regular meditation and spiritual practice.  Strengthening our energy, our faith and our connection to God can support us during any trials we may come across.  This is an important time to do daily Meditations on Twin Hearts to bless Mother Earth with healing. Meditation is the key to strengthen our connections with all that is. Raise your consciousness through meditation.  Change yourself and change the world.

    5. Serve Others in Need.  Let us stay connected to our hearts.  During times of struggle, there are always those among us who are struggling more than us.  Remember to act with compassion, understanding, and kindness.  Offer to heal those who are sick, pick up groceries for others, help the elderly, heal your family. Do not postpone acts of compassion and kindness.

    6. Stay Positive.   Stay strong.  Stay Positive.  Good things will happen.  Remember: Tough Times Do Not Last, Tough People Do.

    7. Energy is Everything and Everything is Energy. It is very simple. It is the beginning and the key to the true understanding of health and well-being…and of life too!

    It is my heartfelt wish for everyone to navigate this challenging time with a solid faith, a strong discerning and discriminating mind, and meaningful acts of kindness.  The actions we take now will plant the seeds that will bloom after this storm passes.   Stay focused, stay positive and stay aligned with God’s Love and Mercy.  Collectively, our kindness, positive energy, and blessings can help to transform and light the way to a brighter future.  

    May you and your family be well, my love and blessings are with you.  


    Glenn J Mendoza MD


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