blog posts
Whistle of the Soul
A Poem by Rumi A baby pigeon stand on the edge of a nest all day. Then he hears a whistle, Come to me. How
100 Days of meditation
I find it so appropriate that we are concluding our 100 days of daily meditation on the Summer Solstice, a time of new beginnings. Let
Father’s Day reflections 2020
The sounds of laughter, feet shuffling, plates clanking and the refrigerator door opening over and over… endless conversations that pick up as soon as they
Let Us Unite In Love…
When there are deep emotions expressed there is an opportunity for deep healing. These emotions must come out. When they are met with understanding, compassion,
Change We Must …
Written in 2004 for an Arhatic Yoga Newsletter As we seriously embark on our spiritual practice through Arhatic Yoga, a good mantra to remember is
50+ Days Of “House Arrest” — What You Can Do To Feed Your Soul…
By Davia Tamin, Read full article here Written by Davia Temin, Spirituality But to do the inner work needed to actually bear the
Meditation is like the wind…
The Gentle Breeze of Inner Stillness… As Bob Dylan sang, “The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind…” Meditation is like the wind. The
3 Haikus On Friendships and Time…
Friendships etched in time with breathtaking certainty joyful meeting up. We’re all just pieces in a play that’s bigger than we can imagine. Then Master’s
Finding Stability in Unstable Times…
How do we find stability in these unstable times? The global coronavirus crisis has brought forth a veil of darkness, like a storm threatening our