inspirational quotes

inspirational quotes

EXHALE the past INHALE the present and EMBRACE what is yet to come.

- master glenn

I love PRANIC HEALING because it is not perfect, it is far from perfect, it is far from perfect and that is why it is GROWING. We make mistakes. We fail. But we continue to pick ourselves up and keep moving forward. Learn our lessons, and trust always that Master Choa Kok Sui will be with us. That is why we are growing, GROWTH is only ossible if and when there are imprefections

- master glenn

You have been chosen because you have the potential to do it, not because you know how to do it. STAY HUMBLE AND GRATEFUL, and you will learn to do this and greater things.

-the teacher


"When we pause amidst internal conflict with the outer world, it is as if our Higher Soul is reminding us that this could be a possible lesson sprinkled on our trial of learning"

- master glenn

We seek a perfect day to experience a glimpse of God.

We create a perfect day when we see a glimpse of God in every experience

- master glenn

What one person can do is an act of Grace.

What many people can do, Is an act of God.

-master glenn

Meditation will shape who you want to be.

- master glenn

The purpose pf Meditation is not only the Spiritual experiences you have when you close your eyes, but more importantly who you become as a result of meditating.

- master glenn

The Secret to deep spiritual experiences is maintaining a high refined energy.

-master glenn

Good Fathers make Good Sons and Good Sons make Good Fathers

- master glenn


Action taken without Love will be a small BandAid to a much larger wound.

- master glenn

Spiritual teachings can be learned, but must be experienced in the heart to be fully understood.

-master glenn

That's Okay, I'll be Kind Anyway

- master glenn


Higher spiritual energy feeds our lower physical self.

Our acts of love, compassion and kindness feed our higher spiritual self.

Both the higher and lower natures need each other to grow and meditation is the bridge.

- master glenn

There is no darkness that cannot be overcome by the Light of Soul.

-master glenn

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